Thursday, August 30, 2007

Congratulations on taking the first step on the Learning 2.0 Journey!

Welcome to the High Country Library Participants' Blog, a place to gain inspiration and hopefully have some fun...
Please register by emailing Jodi and your name will be added to this list.
Feel free to look at your colleagues' blogs and try to guess who's who!

Good Luck!

List of Participants' Blogs:

1. Library Training

2. Bookworm

3. Debbiemyrtleford

4. Camelot

5. Sprig

6. Jodi's Journey Learning 2.0

7. Lurg lady

8. Welshmaid/ Crusader

9. Muggins- peterr

10. Brightspark

11. Spike

12.The Cat's Pyjamas

13.Otaku Girl

14. Vic's Blog

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